Koi Pond Bridges supports nonprofits that foster economic growth and job opportunities on Hawai'i Island. These organizations provide young residents in-depth training, mentorship, and exposure to career paths, enabling them to pursue high-value jobs on-island. In addition, KPB supports programs for young businesses to thrive.


We differ from other grantors by doing our own research, reviewing before selection and only then providing financial support. Each recipient is assigned a Koi Pond Mentor who closely tracks progress and provides both strategic and tactical support. In that way, the organization not only receives needed funding but also is able to take advantage of our skills and experience to ensure even greater success in their efforts.

We envision a Hawaiʻi Island where generation after generation thrives with equitable access to affordable housing, education, and the opportunities that a diversified, sustainable,
locally-focused economy provides.


Koi Pond Bridges is a hui of people who love Hawaiʻi Island and gather to explore economic, environmental and social issues that affect quality of life for all who live here. Motivated by a sense of gratitude for our island community, we foster collaboration between the public and private sector through offering grants and mentorship to organizations that advance opportunities for local youth via education and workforce development. To that end, we have raised over $1,000,000 to support our programs and counting.


Clark Winslow

KPB Founder Emeritus, retired entrepreneur, Kohala Coast Resident

Eric Schwartz

KPB Chairman and Founder, retired entrepreneur, Kohala Coast Resident

KPB Founder and Executive Director, Business Consultant, Sustainability/ Resilience Advocate, Kohala Coast Resident

Harvey Stone

Douglass Adams

KPB Founder, Attorney

Craig Anderson

KPB Founder, Vice President of Operations & GM, Mauna Kea Resort

Joyce Muktarian

KPB Founder, community organizer, Kohala Coast Resident

Janice Ikeda

Executive Director, Vibrant Hawaiʻi

Auston Stewart

KPB Founder, Technologist, President, Nalukai Foundation (non-voting)

Todd Manwaring

Senior VP Community Impact, University Impact (non-voting)


Bob Acree

Nalani Cayne

Geoffrey Eisenberg

Irwin Federman

Mimi Kerley

Zendo Kern

Eileen Lacerte

Caroline Landry

Jonathan Mitchell

Joe Root

Mitch Roth

Mariko Sakita

Peter Schwartz


Bob Acree

Douglas Adams

Craig Anderson

Nalani Cayne

Patti and Ed Cluss

Pip Deely

Sborov Family Foundation

Shanahan Family Foundation

ʻŌuli Farms

Irwin Federman

Norm Fogelsong

Rusty and Karen Guerra

Janice Ikeda

Zendo Kern

Eileen Lacerte

Caroline Landry

Todd Manwaring

Kelly McCrann

Kurt and Tamra Mobley

Joyce Muktarian

Richard Olazaba

Joe Root

Mitch Roth

Mariko Sakita

Lucia Salazar

Cathleen and Peter Schwartz

Eric Schwartz

Auston Stewart

Harvey Stone

Clark Winslow


Monica and Tom Abrahamsen

Dominick and Marie Addario

Allison Aganus

Laurie and Sam Ainslie

Scott Allen

Lily, Karin, and James Ameika

Ratna Amin

Todd Apo

Jock Argorastos

Vivienne Aronowitz

Nancy and Jacques Baenziger

Hermine Baker

Gerald Baldwin

Julie Ballard

Rebecca Barnes

Neil Barth

Avery Barth

Scott Bedingfield

Christopher Bornstein

Joshua and Anneka

Bowman Walter Breakell

Laura Breakell

Donna Brucato

Jack Brushert

Stephanie Carpenter

Frank Carpenter

Hannah Carpenter

Diane Chadwick

Robert Chancer

Kari Clark

Linda Clifford

Samuel Colella

Connie Collins

Lance Conn

Jeanne Cooper

Connie Corbett

Frederick Costanzo

June and Grace Czerwinski

Carol and Clive Davies

Aileen Davis

Jeffrey Davis

Mattson Davis

Michael Davis

Paka Davis

Riley Davis

Paula De La Cruz

Terry DeJournett

Kathy Dell

Lisa and Balfour Der

David Deustch

Lucy Do

Beau Donegan

Timothy and Melissa Draper

Kim Evans

Carl and Yvonne Everett

David Everson

Darlene and Roy Fagan

Karen Ferrara

Ron Fichtner

Teri Fioramonti

Kathleen Fisher

Sally and Bill Floberg

Michael Foley

David Fosmire

Laura Gaul

Lynn Gasser

Nolan Gasser

Carol Geertesema

Lawrence and Anki Gelb

Grant Gibson

Jan Gilman

Jack and Laurie Goldstein

Deborah Goodwin

Andrew Greenwell

Hyrum Grenny

Bryce Groark

David Gross

Bob Gruber

Chris Hammer

Robert Harrtown

Jacqui Hoover

David Hopkins

Rosemary Hopkins

Tanya Jernigan

Doug Johnson

Rebecca Johnston

Rowly Johnston

Douglas and Jyness Jones

Kay Kammerzell

Thomas Kapp

Richard and Christine Karger

Stephen Kazanjian

Kelly Kerbs Riggle

Brian Kerley

Dashiell and Erika Khur

David Kirk

Arnie Klaus

Duane Kurisu

David LaHorgue

Michael Latham

Hans L'Orange

Ryan Leese

Joanna Lipari

Hans Lorange

Chris and Janice Lynn

Mark and Melissa Lytle

Jonathan MacQuitty

Steve and Suzanne Mankoff

Carol and Dennis Markos

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel

Bill McCowatt

Dana McLughlin

Mimi and Larry McReynolds

Roger Meeker

Ron Meyer

​Richard Miller

Dave and Laura Monhan

Bill Moore

Tom and Caroline Moore

Noel Morin

Mark Mozeson

Colleen Northely

Michale O'Toole

Diane O'Toole

Gary Padovani

Daniella Pansyuk

Ceri Phillips

John Phillips

Ebby and Lex Pinson

Linda Pirri Gross

Jim and Linda Preskitt

Jim Riggle

Kelly Riggle Beth Robinson

Cynthia Roher

Darin and Dina Rosas

Steve Rossi

Susan Chillingworth Ruddle

Bernard and Valerie Sadoulet

Constance Samuelson

Jim Samuelson

Sagara Sanchez  Jeanne Savage

David Sborov

Marty Sborov

Angel and Jacov Schneider

Michael and Susan Schwartz

Sandee and Dale Sebring

Deborah Shannon

Sandor Shapery

Howard Sharfstein

Sandor Shapery

Laurel Shearer

Don Sloat

Matt Stevens

James Sturz

Suri, Yan, and Phill Sutcliffe

Micah Tajiri

Rob and CJ Thoma

Daniel Thomas

Niel Thomas

Deborah Todd

Dr. Michael Tonjum

Jasen Trautwein

Steve and Lynn Trautwein

Sherri Tull

Jason Ueki

Michelle, Clint, and Kimo Uyehara

JP and Haley Velasquez

Richard and Cindy Vonhagen

Gloria Wagner

Ireland Ward

Shelley Watson

Kim Wayman

Magda Wesslund

Duncan Wilson

Thomas Winslow

Eric Witt

Jack Wong

Jim Wyban

William and Chantel Zucker

Yolo Holdings LLP